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First of its kind mapping analysis of Allegheny County

Our analysis determined numerous “Places” that may be great opportunities for connecting into a regional trail network (such as regional parks, Allegheny County Health Department/EPA Environmental Justice Communities, and communities with physical barriers to accessing green space).

It also evaluated opportunities for new corridor “Connections” between these “Places” (corridors which provide benefits for ecology, heritage, active transportation/recreation, resiliency, and/or restoration).*



Building consensus around a strategy for public green space connectivity

The coalition aims to inventory all existing and officially planned public trails and green space in the county, and build consensus around new conceptual, regional trail and greenway corridors to fill gaps in the system.

Using the mapping analysis, the coalition developed a first, early draft of corridor options to fill gaps, between 2018-2019, and since then, we have been taking the options to municipalities and COGs across the county to gain review and input. Through this community process, a living, evolving strategy for public green space connectivity has begun to emerge.*

AGW_Corridor Concept Diagram.jpg


Visualizing the interconnected, regional trail and greenway system

The Vision map conveys a great deal of information in one map, including the types of connections, their status (existing, planned, or conceptual), and more.

The Concept Diagram helps to convey how the Vision includes three groups of regional connections, equitably distributed across the county: 1) Connections between the nine County Parks, along the outskirts of the county; 2) mostly flat East/West connections along our three rivers; and 3) North/South connections between the County Parks, the three rivers, and the center of the county.*

*Mapping Notes

The Allegheny Green Web maps—many of which show existing, planned and conceptual public trail and green space corridors—are works in progress, as opposed to final plans. This is important to note, because each regional/local conceptual connection found in the maps, is a new idea/option for connection, and may not have proper municipal input and buy-in yet.

Allegheny County is an active Advisory Member in the coalition, and this mapping builds off of the current County Comprehensive Plan, called “Allegheny Places”, and further builds on it.

The data and information found within the Allegheny Green Web mapping has been, and continues to be collected across numerous nonprofits, public agencies, municipalities and other sources. The mapping would not be possible without these groups’ prior planning and mapping efforts.

The Allegheny Green Web coalition would also like to recognize the many trail groups who have made our current regional trails possible. The coalition is aiming to dream big and collaborate around regional connections that would fill gaps between these outstanding, existing systems. These existing systems include Rachel Carson Trail, Montour Trail, Ohio River Trail, Great Allegheny Passage, Three Rivers Heritage Trail, Harmony Trail, Panhandle Trail, and more.



The analysis and emerging Vision map provide many benefits to municipalities in Allegheny County, PA:

  • Update your: municipal comprehensive plan; parks, open space, and greenways plan component; and more

  • Or, create a green space-related plan for the very first time

  • Use to fundraise for implementation

  • Could also be adopted as a multi-municipal, COG-wide vision plan

If you are a municipal staff member or official, we want to hear from you! We are seeking your input on the Vision map, to ensure that we have the following accurately reflected: existing public trails and public green space; officially planned public trails and green space connections; and your feedback on proposed, conceptual corridors to fill gaps in the system.

Allegheny Green Web Coalition

Pittsburgh, PA

The Allegheny Green Web is an all-volunteer led coalition in Allegheny County, PA. Our current volunteer coordinating AGW Partner is the Pennsylvania Environmental Council. Please reach out via email or our contact form, and our volunteer coordinating partner will be in touch shortly.

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