The Allegheny Green Web coalition envisions a future where all communities within Allegheny County are more livable, healthy, prosperous and environmentally sound, through an interconnected, public trail and green space system.
Through organizing, planning, advocacy, and storytelling, the Allegheny Green Web will aim to connect the Allegheny County parks, the municipal parks, and local conservation lands with each other, and to neighboring communities.
Develop a network of publicly accessible trails and green spaces that connect the Allegheny County parks and municipal parks with each other, and to neighboring communities
Create diverse types of outdoor experiences and modes for people powered outdoor travel
Ensure access and opportunity for all residents in the county through an equitable distribution of public trails and green space connections
Build communication among residents, municipalities, and interested organizations about public trail and green space connections
Non-governmental organizations
The Allegheny Green Web coalition is comprised of official Partners who have signed a "Partner Commitment Letter." These organizations are committed to working together, alongside public agencies, municipalities, and other stakeholders, to plan and implement our shared vision.
Friends of the Riverfront builds safe, clean, and accessible riverfront trails as part of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail system to create and maintain an outstanding experience for trail users while providing economic, environmental, and health benefits to the Pittsburgh region.
Chris Corbran
Program Coordinator, West Region
Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Address inquiries to: Alleghenygreenweb@gmail.com
In the first years of the Allegheny Green Web’s formation, between 2016-2017, the coalition began as an all-volunteer run initiative. In late 2017 through mid-2022, we had the support of a paid staff member, the Allegheny Green Web Coordinator, who managed and grew the coalition’s operations, strategy, consultant oversight, community outreach/engagement activities, communications, and much more.
Due to the excellent support of our staff member during these early planning years, come mid-2022, we were successfully set up to transition from a planning focus to an implementation focus, where we could once again move forward sustainably as an all-volunteer led coalition—a coalition of implementing partner organizations, collaborating long-term to advance the implementation of the Allegheny Green Web Vision map.
In mid-2022, the coalition agreed that there was a need to have one AGW Partner volunteer each year to coordinate basic coalition operations. Our first and current volunteer coordinating AGW Partner organization is the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC). PEC will work with the coalition to ensure the coalition’s basic operations run smoothly, including scheduling our meetings, monitoring our email, organizing our files, and delegating other action items to the various AGW Partners.
Our foundation supporters
We are so grateful to our foundation partners for their funding and support over the years. We would like to thank the Allegheny County Parks Foundation for being our coalition's fiduciary sponsor and contract manager (for staff/consultants) between 2017-2022.
Our funding has been used exclusively for staff/consultant time and expenses. Partners, Advisory Members, and other coalition participants have not been funded by the coalition. The Allegheny Green Web does not raise funds to implement projects and programs that are in line with the vision, and rather, that work is conducted by the individual Partners, local municipalities, and other implementers.
Non-Governmental Organizations
Become an official Partner of the Allegheny Green Web coalition!
Official Partners are relevant nonprofit, non-governmental organizations who have read and signed our two-page "Partner Commitment Letter." A nonprofit group does not have to sign the letter to be involved in the Allegheny Green Web, but they will not be promoted as an official Partner. You can join us at one of our quarterly, main/full group meetings, and/or become involved in one of our three (3) standing committees. The coalition also has an Executive Committee leadership team.
Through the Allegheny Green Web, nonprofit Partners are building relationships with each other, government agencies, and municipalities. They are collectively strategizing around a shared Vision map, which can lead to new funding and trail/greenway project opportunities for their organizations.
To learn more, and to get involved, please contact us at alleghenygreenweb@gmail.com or through the contact form below.
Governmental Agencies and Organizations
Become an Advisory Member of the Allegheny Green Web coalition!
Advisory Members are relevant public agencies and governmental organizations who participate in the meetings of the coalition as advisors. Advisory Members do not sign any official agreements (such as the "Partner Commitment Letter") to be involved in the Allegheny Green Web. You can join us at one of our quarterly, main/full group meetings, and/or become involved in one of our three (3) standing committees.
Through our work, the Allegheny Green Web is aiming to help implement conservation, outdoor recreation, and alternative transportation-related government plans, and further build on them.
To learn more, and to get involved, please contact us at alleghenygreenweb@gmail.com or through the contact form below.
Municipal Staff and Elected/Appointed Officials
If you are a municipal staff member or official, we want to hear from you!
In 2020, we convened formal planning workshops through the Councils of Governments. In 2021 and onward, we are encouraging municipal representatives, and our Partners and Advisory Members, to continue convening through casual, virtual/video meetings: to discuss your municipality’s unmet needs related to trails and greenways, and to see how our Partners and Advisory Members can help. View the “Project Support” page to learn more.
We are also seeking your input into the developing Public Green Space Connectivity Vision map for Allegheny County, PA, to ensure it is complete, accurate, and reflects your hopes and dreams for your community. Municipalities can use the Vision map to help update or create municipal plans, which can then be used to fundraise for project implementation.
Lastly, check out our growing “Resources” page. If there are resources you are seeking, that are not available on our “Resources” page, we encourage you to let us know, and we will aim to locate and add those resources to the site.
To learn more, and to get involved, please contact us at alleghenygreenweb@gmail.com or through the contact form below.